Monday, June 13, 2011

June 13, 2011

1. What did you like about this class?
I liked the fact that we were able to learn how to take pictures and how to deliver a message through photos.

2. What would tou change?
I would change the places where we took photos. I would have liked to have more options of where to take pictures.

3. How can I be a better teacher?
You can be a better teacher probably by not being so snappy sometimes.

4. Is there you wanted to do with photography that we didn't do?
No. I don't have anything that I wanted to do that we didn't do.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Favorite Photo

This picture of the baby owl is my favortie pictue from the website. It my favorite picture because the baby owl is so cute. It's looking at the camera with big eyes, and then it's so little and fluffy. This picture is definitely an "aww" moment.

Friday, May 27, 2011


1. What is texture?
Texture is the way a surface, surface, or piece of cloth feels when you touch it, for example how rouph, smoth, hard, or soft it is.

2. How does shooting texture take photography one step further?
Shooting texture takes photography a step further by conveying to the viewer not only how something looks, but also how it feels to the touch.

3. What is the bonus of photographing bricks?
The bonus of photographing bricks is that they create patterns and symmetrical shapes.

4. Name one plant texture you can photograph, explain why the texture is interesting.
A plant texture you can photograph is plants with large leaves because they tens to have coarse leaves which can catch the eye's attention more easily.

5. What is one touchable quality of paint?
A touchable quality of paint can be an old, peeling fence.

6. Why does stone lend itself to texture studies?
Stone lends itself ti texture studeies because it can be cold, hard, smooth, or chipped.

7. What are some aspects of wood that are inspiring?
Aspects of wood that are inspiring are its different settings: the twisted roots, roughly chopped fire piles, shavings and splinters in the carpenter’s yard, smoothly sanded new grain, visible gnarls and knots, or a slickly varnished chair leg.

8. List 3 fabrics you can photograph here at school.
Three fabrics that can be photographed al school can be the school uniforms, sports jerseys, and the carpets.

9. List 1 quality that rope has. Whare can rope be found in the school?
A quality the rope has is that it can be rough and fraying, or smooth and waxed. Rope can be found in the auditorium in the school that is used to opperate the stage curtains.

10. Why is metal a good material to photograph?
Metal is a good material to photograph beacuse it is cool, smooth and reflective, tarnished and dull, and easily gives its age.

The Color Purple, Color Symbolism #5

2. What are the meanings this color can convey?
This color can convey strugggle, hardship, and strength.

5. Quote one sentence from the passage that connects your photo to the story:
"I'm a good prisoner, she say. Best convict they ever see."

6. How does your photo give the same feeling as the passage?
This photo gives the same feeling as te passage because this shows the strength that Sopia had. There were many times that she could have given up, but she didn't, her hope was her children and her family. That is what kept her holding on.

The Color Purple, Color Symbolism #4

2. What are the meanings this color can convey?
This color can convey feeling such as sterile, cold, and boring.
5. Quote one sentence from the passage that connects your photo o the story:
"They put Sophia to work in the prison laundry. All day long from five to eight she washing clothes. Dirty convict uniforms, nasty sheets and blankets piled way over her head."

6. How does your photo give the same feeling as the passage?
This photo gives the same feeling as the assage because it shows the bars of the prison and the fact that Sophia was locked up in a terrible, sterile place.

The Color Purple, Color Symbolism #3

2. What are the meanings this color can convey?
This color can convey comfort and sympathy.

5. Quote one sentence from the passage that connects your photo to the story:
"I can't fix my mouth to say how I feel.....Maybe you git out on good behavior, say Harpo."

6. How does your photo give the same faaling as the passage?
This photo gives the same feeling as the passage because Celie felt Sophia's pain, was sad for her, wanted to confort her, and help her feel stable again.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Color Purple, Color Symbolism #2

1. What color did you choose to focus on in the photograph?
The color I decided to focus on in the photo is brown.

2. What are the meanings this color can convey?
The meanings this color can convey are home, stability, and reliability.

3. How does this color relate to the passage from the book?
This color relates to the passage from the book because it shoes the stability the Sophia had in her family and friends.

4. How does this photograph relate to the passage from the book?
This photo relates to the passage from the book because Sophia was only able to visit for a short time only twice a month but when she did come home she felt atable but yet still sad because she had to eventually leave, and Celie, Harpo, Mr__, and Shug felt sympathy for her.

5. Quote one sentence from the passage that connects your photo to the story:
"She look wild when she say that, and her bad eye wander round the room. Mr.__ suck his breath. Harpo groan. Miss Shug cuss."

6. How does your photo give the same feeling as the passage?
My photo gives the same feeling as the passage because it expresses the sympathy and love the Sophia's friends and family had for her.

The Color Purple, Color Symbolism #1

1. What color did you choose to focus on in this photograph?
The color I chose to focus on in the photo is blue.

2. What are the meanings this color can convey?
Blue can convey coldness, depression, and sadness.

3. How does this color relate to the passage from the book?
This image relate to the book because in the passage it talked about the sadness Sophia felt and the cold feeling that was in her jail cell.

4. How does this photograph relate to the passage from the book?
This image relate to the passage in the book because Sophia was in jail, but she wished she could be free with her children.

5. Quote one sentence from the passage that connects your photo to the story:
"Good behavior ain't good enough for them, say Sophia. Nothing less than sliding on your belly with your tingue on they boots can even git they attention."

6. How does your photo give the same feeling as the passage?
This photo gives the same feeling as the passage because it showed the lonliness and longing that Sophia felt in the passage.

Daily Image 5/19/2011

1. What do you see? Describe what is happening.
I see two men in a field with a huge pie of bull skulls. One of them id standing on top of the pile while the other one is standing next to the pile with his foot up on one of the skulls.

2. What Colors, Shapes, and Lines.
I see black, browns, and tans. The picture is in sepia.
I see squares, circles, triangles, and rectangles.
I see many curved lines, and I see straight horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines.

3. Write down 5 expressive words that relate to the image.
Quaint, Bizarre, Unusual, Odd, Strange.

4. What mood does this give you? Explain why.
This image gives me a mood of queerness. I say this because it is not everyday that you see people standing on such an unusually large pile of what I think is bull skulls. It makes your skin crawl somewhat.

5. Interpret the photograph. What does the photo mean?
I think the photojust shows how strange people can be. Maybe the men in the photo have a good reason for having so many skulls, but as far as I can see it very weird.

6. Write one sentence explaining how the photo uses a Rule of Composition.
I think this photo uses simplicity. I say this because the shy makes the background clear and uncomlicated, then you just see the big pile and two men.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Daily Image 5/17/2011

1. What do you see? Describe what is happening.
I see a Boodist temple where the men are praying and they are all uniform.

2. What Colors, Shapes, and Lines?
I see orange, pink, gray, white, brown, and black.
I see squares, rectangles, and triangles.
I see many curved lines and straight diagonal lines.

3. Write down 5 expressive words that relate to the image.
Uniform, Consistent, In sync, Together, Equal.

4. What mood does this give you? Explain why.
This image gives me a mood of discpline. I say this because all of the men in orange are uniform and are together. I don't see any of them out of line. They are all doing the same thing at the same time.

5. Interpret the photograph. What does the photo mean?
I think the photo shows discpline and order because all of he men are discplined and trained to do what they are supposed to do. None of them are out of sync.

6. Write 1 sentence explaining how the photo uses a Rule of Composition.
This image uses Actual and Implied Lines. The ground that the men are on makes actual diagonal lines that makes squares and the men in orange make parallell curved lines.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Daily Image 5/11/2011

1. What do you see? Describe what is happening.
I see a man hiking across a snow coverd mountain following a set of foot tracks.

2. What Colors, Shapes, and Lines?
I see white, blue, gray, and black.
I see triangles and circles.
I see many straight diagonal and horizontal; I also see a few curved lines.

3. Write down 5 expressive words that relate to the image.
Determined, Curious, Asymetry, Analytical, Searching.

4. What mood does this give you? Explian why.
This image gives me a mood of curiosity. I say this because the man in the picture is hiking the mountain side looking down and following foot tracks.

5. Interpret the photograph. What does the photo mean?
In the photo, I think the man is following the tracks beause he is trying to figure who made them and where the cam from or where they lead to.

6. Write 1 sentence explaining how the photo uses a Rule of Composition.
This photo uses Actual and Implied Lines because the outline os the mountans make curved ans straight diagonal lines. Also the clouds in the background make implied horizontal lines.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Daily Image 5/9/2011

1. What do you see? Describe what is happeining?
I see a park and there is a pond and there are also many brightly colored trees and grass with a bridge going across the pond.

2. What Colors, Shapes, and Lines?
I see red, green, pink, yellow, orange, light blue, blsck, brown, and white.
I see many triangles, squares, and circles.
I see many straight and curved vertical, diagonal, and horizontal lines.

3. Write down 5 expressive words that relate to the image.
Bright, Sharp, Vivid, Colorful, Strong.

4. What mood does this give you? Explain why.
This image gives me a happy, cheerful mood because of the bright, energetic colors.

5. Interpret the photograph. What does the photo mean?
I think this photo shows that even though the world may seem drab and dark, there are always places that are beautiful and are cheerful.

6. Write 1 sentence exlplaining how the photo uses a Rule of Composition.
This photo uses Actual and Implied Lines. The bushes make implied curved lines, and the branches from the trees make actual lines.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Daily Image 4/5/2011

1. What do you see? Describe what is happening.
I see a three factories and there is junk in the foreground, a tree in the very front, and a pinkish- purple sunset in the backgound.

2. What Colors, Shapes, and Lines?
I see pink, purple, blue, white, black, red, green, and gray.
I see a semi-circle, rectangles, triangles, circles, and squares.
I see many straight, jagged horizontal, diagonal, and vertical lines. I also see a few curved lines.

3. Write down 5 expressive words that relate to the image.
Junk, Clutter, Beauty, Serene, Cool.

4. What mood does this give you? Explain why?
This photo makes me feel somwhat serene because even thought the photo has a lot of junk and clutter going on, in the background, I see the sunset and it eliminates the rest o fthe junk because of it's cool but bright colors.

5. Interpret the photograph. What does the photo mean?
I think this photo means that even in the midst os hustle and bustle, there will always be some beauty and serenity.

6. Write one sentence explaining how the photo uses a Rule of Composition.
This photo uses Rule of Thirds becaise he tree in the front of the picture is in money spots and the building sort of make a horizon line.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Composotion & Silhouette

5 More Elements of Composition

1. How does Framing help you to show the main idea of your photo?
Framing helps show the main idea of an image because when it is used correctly, it can draw the eye of the viewer of an interest to a partiular part if the scene.

2. What is the perspective? Give one example from the article that persective does for a photograph?
Perspective is a shot that is taken from different angles to make a big impact. Photos that are up close as a unique perspective to images, espeially protraits.

3. How can you use space in a photo?
You can use space in your photo to give a mood of lonliness so it is good to experiment with moving in close and personal and moving out to capture a subjet in its context.

4. What is balance in a phtograph?
Balance in a photograph is when an image has a secondary point of interest to counter balance the main focal point in the picture and providing those 'empty' spots with a little weight.

5. What are good and bad points of using color in a photo?
A good point about adding color is that bright colors add vibrancy, energy, and interest, but if they are out in the wrong position, thay can also distract viewers away from the main focals point.

How to Photograph Silhouettes

1. Why does a silhouette photo stand out?
A silhouette photo stands out because of the combination of their simplicity but also the story that they convey, and because they don't give the viewer a clear picture of everything but leave part of the image up to their imagination to wonder about.

2. What is the strategy for taking a silhouette photo?
The strategy for taking silhouette photos is to place your subject in front of some light source and to force your camera to set its exposure based upon the brightest part of your picture and not the subject of your image.

3. Explain how to "get your light right."
Instead of lighting the front of your subject, in silhouettes you need to ensure that there is more light shining from the background than the foreground of your shot.

4. Where should your light source be?
Your light source should be a sunset or sunrise, but really any bright light will be able to do the trick.

5. What should the background of a silhouette be? Why?
The background of a silhouette should be bright; usually the best background will be s bright cloudless sky with the sun setting. You want to position the brightest lght source behind your subject, either so that they hide it or so that its in the backgriund somewhere.

6. What is a profile? Why does a profile make a better silhouette?
A profile is when you take a picture of a person from the side capturing their feature, like their nose, mouth, and eyes, because they are outlined they are more likely to be recognized.

"The Color Purple" Photo Planning

1. What is the passage # you were given? What pages from the book?
I was given passage #7 and it was taken from pages 88-89.

2. List all the emotion words that can be found in the passage.

3. What colors can symbolize the mood and emotion of the passage?
Colors like blue, gray, black, and red can symbolize the mood and emotion of the passage.

4. What sentence in the passage do you think conveys a sense of emotion? Whay?
A sentence in the passage that I think conveys emotion is on page 89 when Sophia says, " 'I dream of murder', she say, 'I dream of murder sleep or wake.' "

5. The photo I am going to take are:
Of a woman sitting in a jail cell, in a chair, staring out of a window longingly. Another of a woman's hands folded on her lap with a teardrop falling down her hand. An absract picture of of add, jagged shapes and one of the shapes has an eye in it with a briht red gash going through the middle. And another photo of a woman's hand in the hand of another person's hand comforting her.

Daily Image 4/29/11

1. What do you see? Decsribe what is happening.
I see what seems to be an under water cave or tunnel.

2. What Colors, Shapes, and Lines?
I see blue, brown, black, gray, and white.
I see triangles and circles.
I see many curved lines and a few straight, jagged lines.

3. Write down 5 expressive words that relate to the image.
Imaginative, Cool, Calm, Bright, Definition.

4. What mood does this give you? Explain why?
This image giver me a mood of calmnees and serenity. I say this because of the bright but calming colors of browns and blues.

5. Interpret the photograph. What does the photo mean?
I think this photo means composure and peacefulness.

6. Write 1 sentence explaing how the photo uses a Rule of Composition.
This photo has a large Depth of Field. I say ths because a large area of the photo is in focus.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Daily Image 4/27/11

1. What do you see? Describe what is happening.
I see a building with people on the steps and in the middle of the steps, I see the building damaged and 5 men in hats and wool coats walking down the destroyed steps.

2. What Colors, Shapes, and Lines?
I see black, gray, white, orange, blue, green, brown, and yellow.
I see many rectangles, squares, cylinders, and triangles.
I see many straight horizontal and vertical lines and a few diagonal lines.

3. Write down 5 expresssive words that relate to the image.
Purpose, Past, History, Change, Before-After.

4. What mood does this give you? Explain why.
This photo gives me a mood of victory and prevail because the people were being controlled by a dictator and they defeated them and won back their ndependence and freedom.

5. Interpret the photograph. What is the meaning of this image?
This photo shows an area of the world, propably the Middle East, when it was taken over by Nazi's and how they destroyed and important building, but when the people regained their independence then they rebuilt their civilization.

6. Write 1 sentence explaining how the photo uses a Rule od Composition.
This photo uses Actual and Implied Lines because the building has actual lines going horizontal and vertical lines in its architecture and the steps hae a few actual lines goin vertically and many implied lines going horizontally.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Daily Image 4/25/11

1. What do you see? Decbrobe what is happening.
I see an old, abandoned building filled with junk like carboard boxed and old newspapers.

2. What Colors, Shapes, and Lines?
I see black, white, and gray.
I see rectangles, squares, cones, cylinders, anf triangles.
I see many straight vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines; I also see a few curved lines.

3. Write down 5 expressive words that relate to the image.
Junk, Piled, Old, Abandoned, Worn.

4. What mood does this image give you? Explain why.
This image gives me a mood of desolation and abandonment. I say this because the building looks like no one has stepped foot in it for years. The buliding looks old and rusty and there is junk piled al over the floor so much that you can't even see the ground anymore.

5. Interpret the photograph. What does the photo mean?
I think this photo represent abandonment and lonliess. The building looks so old and empty.

6. Explain how the photo uses a Rule of Composition.
I think thia image has a large Depth of Field. I say this because a large area of the photo is in focus.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Daily Image 4/20/11

1. What do you see? Describe what is happening.
I see a Japanese man standing in the middle of what probably used to be a building due to the destruction that has happened in Japan.

2. What Colors, Shapes, and Lines?
I see brown, gray, black, green, blue, orange, red, and white.
I see rectangles, triangles, squares, and circles.
I see many straight vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines.

3. Write down 5 expressive words that relate to the image.
Shock, Breakdown, Destruction, Shambles, Hysteria.

4. Interpret the photograph. What is the meaning of this image?
I think this photo shows a man who probably is apart of the cleaning group in Japan to help clean Japan, and he's loooking around at the dismantled building in utter shock.

5. How does this image use the Rules of Composition?
The Rule of Thirds: There really is no definite horizontal line. The man in the photo is near a money spot.

Simplicity: The shambled buildin in the background doesn't make the background clear and uncomplicated. The man standing in the pile of trash is the point of interest.

Actual and Implied Lines: The pieces of the building make actual and implied straight vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Daily Image 4/14/11

1. What do you see? Describe what is happening.
I see a city upside down at the bottom of the image and where the ground is part of it is borken away so you can see the other city through it which is facing right side up. The two cities almost look like they are reflecting each other.

2. What Color, Shapes, and Lines?
I see blue, gray, tan, red, yellow, green, black, brown, and white.
I see rectangles, trapezoids, squares, circles, and triangles.
I see many straight horizontal and vertical lines. There are also some straight and curved diagonal lines.
3. Write down 5 expressive words that relate to the image.
Mirror, Shadow, Awkward, Reflect, Creative.

4. Interpret the photograph. What id the meaning of this image?
I think this photo shows how you could be on one side of the world and on the opposite side there is another city.

5. How does this image use the Rules of Composition?
The Rule of Thirds: The area in the photo where the bottom image meets the groud barrier makes a horizon line in the lower thirds of the image. Part of the bulding in the city at the top of the photo is in a money spot.

Simplicity: The ground barrier sort of make the background clear and uncomplicated. The really is no defiite point of interest.

Actual and Implied Lines: The bricks in the ground and the bulidings make actual and implied lines. And the city at the bottom makes a compositional triangle.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Daily Image 4/12/11

1. What do you see? Describe what is happening.
It looks a storm or a tornado hit somehwere and it is building up and the lightning was is getting ready to strike.

2. What Colors, Shapes, and Lines?
I see gray, peach, white, black, and yellow.
I see triangles, circles, and rectangles.
I see many jagged diagonal lines and straight horizontal lines.

3. Write down 5 expressive words that relate to the image.
Destructive, Terror, Fearful, Dark, Hard.

4. Interpret the photograph. What is the meaning of this image?
I think the photographer wanted to relay an emotion of dark, sadness, or fear, because by looking al the size of the storm, it looks like it will leave alot of damage.

5. Explain how this image uses the Rules of Composition.
The Rule of Thirds: The area in the image where the ground meets the sky makes the horiszon line. The clouds that make the storm are in the miney spots.

Simplicity: The clear sky makes the background uncomplicated. The storm cloud is the point of interest.

Actual and Implied Lines: The lightning in the storm cloud makes actual diagonal, branched lines. In the sky the different colors make implied horicontal lines.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Daily Image 4/8/11

1. What do you see? Describe what is happening.
I see a shirtless man walking on a tight-rope across the mountains and cliffs.

2. What Colors, Shapes, and Lines?
I see blue, tan, black, gray, white, green, and yellow.
I see many triangles and rectangles.
I see many straight, jagged vertical and diagonal lines.

3. Write down 5 expressive words that relate t the image.
Adventurous, Sharp, Jagged, Risky, Daring.

4. Interpret the photograph. What is the meaning of this image?
I think this photo represtnts life, and the man walking on the rope shows that is risky and it isn't easy. There are many situations and obstacles that we must overcome, but if we are careful, we can make it to the end.

5. How does this image use the Rukes of Composition?
The Rule of Thirds: The area in the photo where the tops of the mountains meet the sky makes a horizon line. The man walking on the tight-rope is in the money spots.

Simplicity: The mountains and sky make the background clear and uncomplicated. The man on the rope is the pint of interest.

Actual and Implied Lines: The jagged edges of the mountains make actual straight vertical and diagonal lines. And the tight-rope makes an actual diagonal linee.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mood and Emotions in Music

1. 1. What is the mood of the 1st video?

The mood if the first video is jolly, perky, and happy. You could tell that the movie was for children, and the video was very colorful. The scenes were very bright and family orientated.

2. 2. What is the mood of the 2nd video?

In the second video the trailer was completely the opposite. There was scary music in the video; there were many dark shadowy colors. And the scenes they played from the movies weren’t as jolly.

Song #1: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.

Bright, Funny, Colorful, Cheerful, Excited, Happy, Hyper, Energetic, Green, Lively.

Song #2: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.

Slow, Calming, Acoustic, Smooth, Deep, Soothing, Heart-felt, Composed, Entertaining,

Song #3: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.

Electric, Lively, Futuristic, Dance, Crazy, All over the place, Moving, Jumpy, Capturing, and Weird.

Song #4: Write 10 words describing how the song makes you feel.

Acoustic, Different, Creative, Artistic, Innovative, Uninteresting, Easily distracted form video, Original, Skilled, and Serious.

Daily Image 4/6/11

1. What do you see? Describe what is happening.
I see an area of the woods and the changes it makes during each season. First, winter, then fall, spring, summer, fall again, and lastly winter.

2. What Colors, Shapes, and Lines?
I see brown, white, gray, green, orange, yellow, tan, and black.
I see triangles and rectangles.
I see many straight diagonal and vertical lines.

3. Write down 5 expressive words that relate to the image.
Changing, Adapt, Convert, New, Fresh.

4. Interpret the photograph. What is the meaning of this image?
I think this photo shows that the world is ever changing, and it will never stop for anyone.

5. How does this image use the Rules of Composition?
The Rule of Thirds: The bottoms of the trees make an implied horizon line. The big green tree near the center of the image is close to the money spots.
Simplicity: The trees make the background clear and uncomplicated.

Actual and Implied Lines: The branches and trunks of the trees make implied diagonal and vertical straight lines.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Adding Emotion in Photographs

1. Why does adding emotion make a great photo?
Adding emotion makes a great photograph because it helps a viewer connect with a piece if that emotion is prevalent to the viewer.

2. What should the photo express for you?
The photo should express how you feel.

3. Why do faces convey emotion easliy?
Faces convey emotions easily because the face is the window to the soul. A person can really show how they are feeling through their facial expressions.

4. What will sitting and observing do for your photos?
When you sit and dbserve, the mood of those around will often become more apparent.

5. What questions should you ask yourself when shooting?
You should ask yourself what emotion you are trying to convey.