Thursday, April 14, 2011

Daily Image 4/14/11

1. What do you see? Describe what is happening.
I see a city upside down at the bottom of the image and where the ground is part of it is borken away so you can see the other city through it which is facing right side up. The two cities almost look like they are reflecting each other.

2. What Color, Shapes, and Lines?
I see blue, gray, tan, red, yellow, green, black, brown, and white.
I see rectangles, trapezoids, squares, circles, and triangles.
I see many straight horizontal and vertical lines. There are also some straight and curved diagonal lines.
3. Write down 5 expressive words that relate to the image.
Mirror, Shadow, Awkward, Reflect, Creative.

4. Interpret the photograph. What id the meaning of this image?
I think this photo shows how you could be on one side of the world and on the opposite side there is another city.

5. How does this image use the Rules of Composition?
The Rule of Thirds: The area in the photo where the bottom image meets the groud barrier makes a horizon line in the lower thirds of the image. Part of the bulding in the city at the top of the photo is in a money spot.

Simplicity: The ground barrier sort of make the background clear and uncomplicated. The really is no defiite point of interest.

Actual and Implied Lines: The bricks in the ground and the bulidings make actual and implied lines. And the city at the bottom makes a compositional triangle.

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