Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Daily Image 4/12/11

1. What do you see? Describe what is happening.
It looks a storm or a tornado hit somehwere and it is building up and the lightning was is getting ready to strike.

2. What Colors, Shapes, and Lines?
I see gray, peach, white, black, and yellow.
I see triangles, circles, and rectangles.
I see many jagged diagonal lines and straight horizontal lines.

3. Write down 5 expressive words that relate to the image.
Destructive, Terror, Fearful, Dark, Hard.

4. Interpret the photograph. What is the meaning of this image?
I think the photographer wanted to relay an emotion of dark, sadness, or fear, because by looking al the size of the storm, it looks like it will leave alot of damage.

5. Explain how this image uses the Rules of Composition.
The Rule of Thirds: The area in the image where the ground meets the sky makes the horiszon line. The clouds that make the storm are in the miney spots.

Simplicity: The clear sky makes the background uncomplicated. The storm cloud is the point of interest.

Actual and Implied Lines: The lightning in the storm cloud makes actual diagonal, branched lines. In the sky the different colors make implied horicontal lines.

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