Friday, April 29, 2011

"The Color Purple" Photo Planning

1. What is the passage # you were given? What pages from the book?
I was given passage #7 and it was taken from pages 88-89.

2. List all the emotion words that can be found in the passage.

3. What colors can symbolize the mood and emotion of the passage?
Colors like blue, gray, black, and red can symbolize the mood and emotion of the passage.

4. What sentence in the passage do you think conveys a sense of emotion? Whay?
A sentence in the passage that I think conveys emotion is on page 89 when Sophia says, " 'I dream of murder', she say, 'I dream of murder sleep or wake.' "

5. The photo I am going to take are:
Of a woman sitting in a jail cell, in a chair, staring out of a window longingly. Another of a woman's hands folded on her lap with a teardrop falling down her hand. An absract picture of of add, jagged shapes and one of the shapes has an eye in it with a briht red gash going through the middle. And another photo of a woman's hand in the hand of another person's hand comforting her.

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