Friday, April 29, 2011

Composotion & Silhouette

5 More Elements of Composition

1. How does Framing help you to show the main idea of your photo?
Framing helps show the main idea of an image because when it is used correctly, it can draw the eye of the viewer of an interest to a partiular part if the scene.

2. What is the perspective? Give one example from the article that persective does for a photograph?
Perspective is a shot that is taken from different angles to make a big impact. Photos that are up close as a unique perspective to images, espeially protraits.

3. How can you use space in a photo?
You can use space in your photo to give a mood of lonliness so it is good to experiment with moving in close and personal and moving out to capture a subjet in its context.

4. What is balance in a phtograph?
Balance in a photograph is when an image has a secondary point of interest to counter balance the main focal point in the picture and providing those 'empty' spots with a little weight.

5. What are good and bad points of using color in a photo?
A good point about adding color is that bright colors add vibrancy, energy, and interest, but if they are out in the wrong position, thay can also distract viewers away from the main focals point.

How to Photograph Silhouettes

1. Why does a silhouette photo stand out?
A silhouette photo stands out because of the combination of their simplicity but also the story that they convey, and because they don't give the viewer a clear picture of everything but leave part of the image up to their imagination to wonder about.

2. What is the strategy for taking a silhouette photo?
The strategy for taking silhouette photos is to place your subject in front of some light source and to force your camera to set its exposure based upon the brightest part of your picture and not the subject of your image.

3. Explain how to "get your light right."
Instead of lighting the front of your subject, in silhouettes you need to ensure that there is more light shining from the background than the foreground of your shot.

4. Where should your light source be?
Your light source should be a sunset or sunrise, but really any bright light will be able to do the trick.

5. What should the background of a silhouette be? Why?
The background of a silhouette should be bright; usually the best background will be s bright cloudless sky with the sun setting. You want to position the brightest lght source behind your subject, either so that they hide it or so that its in the backgriund somewhere.

6. What is a profile? Why does a profile make a better silhouette?
A profile is when you take a picture of a person from the side capturing their feature, like their nose, mouth, and eyes, because they are outlined they are more likely to be recognized.

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