Monday, April 4, 2011

Creating Mood in Photographs

1. What does the writer of the article say that creating mood is for him?
The writer says that when he knoes the setting id right, the image "oozes" with mood, and that there is something he sees that has an effect he knows will be received when others look at the image.

2. What is a common element that can add mood to a photo?
A common element that can add mood to a photo is to incorporate a thick fog to add drama.

3. Why do storm clouds add mood? What kind of mood can storm clouds convey?
Storm clouds the darker, more ominous and threatening the sky is, the more drama and mood there will be in the image. Storm clouds can convey a sad or angry mood.
4. What kind of effect can running water have?
Running water can give a calming and peaceful effect.

5. Why can many different people find many different moods in a photo?
Many different people find many different moods in an image because whar creates a feeling of mood in one person might not work that way with another.

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