Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Photo Planning

1. Describe in your own words what a "snap happy photographer" is.
A "snap happy photographer" is a photographer , not even holding the camera properly, and takes pictures from any angle not even paying attention to what they are doing and are pressing the shutter button over and over.

2. Describe what an "over planner" is.
An "over planner" is a photographer that tales forever to get the camera "just right." The can take hours just to position the camera.

3. Explain why either a snap hap photographer, or an over planner. Give one specific example of how you work.
I think I am a little of both photographers because at times when I don't feel like taking picture I can just stretch out my hand and take pictures of anything hoping that at least one picture comes out perfect and other times I can take forever to get the cameras just right to take a picture.

4. What are 2 questions listed in the article that you can use to help plan your photos better?
I can ask myself "if there is more than one subject" and "what is the mood of the moment?"

5. Why can taking too much time kill a creative moment?
Taking too much time to take a picture can kill the moment because you have to think ahead and determine whether u must asses the situation to take the picture or not.

6. Why is it important to ask yourself questions as you take photos?
It is important to ask yourself question when taking photographs so that you can take the best photos. When you was yourself question ahead then you know how the photo should be taken.

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