Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Adding Variety

1. Describe one technique listed that you really use. Give a specific example.
A technique I use is that I like to shoot a certain object from different angles It helps put different features in focus even thought it is of the same thing.

2. Describe two techniques you hadn't thought of using before.
I haven't thought to move my subject around and I haven't thought about avoiding the group shot blink.

3. Which technique listed will you try ti use next time you take photos.
I will try to mice my subject the next time I take photos, if my subject can move.

4. Why should you move around you subject.
You should move around your subject because it makes a good series oh photos.

5. Why is it a good idea to use continuous shoot?
It is a good idea to use continuous shots because it is better than taking one shot and it helps capture a moment better.

6. What is the one last tip, and how does it help you become a better photographer.
One last tip is that when you're taking many images, try to remember what you're doing because when you take picture using different settings, and u find a perfect picture, you can forget how you got that image.

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