Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Daily Image 1/26/11

1. What do you see? Describe what is happening.
I see little groups off people sitting around a big fire on someone's front lawn.

2. What Colors, Shapes, and Lines?
I see orange, red, gray, black, white, green, and brown.
I see triangles, a trapezoid, and rectangles.
I see diagonal and horizontal straight lines.

3. Write down 5 expressive words that relate to the image.
Consumed, excessive, immense, conflagrate, fieriness.

4. Interpret the photograph. What is the meaning of this image?
I think the people in the photograph set something ablaze that was foam their past that they wanted to forget, something that they regret doing or having in the possession.

5. How does this image use the Rules of Composition?
Rule of Thirds: The place where all the people are sitting makes and imaginary horizon line.
Nothing really hits the money spots.
Simplicity: The background of trees make the background uncomplicated.
The big bonfire in the middle of the picture is the obvious point of interest.
Actual and Implied Lines: The roofs of the houses in the background make an implied horizontal line.

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