Friday, March 4, 2011

Daily Image 3/4/11

1. What do you see? Describe what is happening.
I see a man in a white full body suit throwing dead bodies into a piles.

2. What Colors, Shapes, and Lines?
I see green, white, blue, brown, gray, black, and red.
I see rectangles, triangles, squares, and circles.
I see many straight vertical and horizontal lines.

3. Write down 5 expressive words that relate to the image.
Pity, Castastrophe, Crisis, Mishap, Misfortune.

4. Interpret the photograph. What is the meaning of this image?
A man was throwing the bodies into a pile due to the aftermath of the earthquake the occurred in Haiti.

5. How does this image use the Rules of Composition?
Rule of Thirds: There is a horizon line where the ground meets the walls and there is another line where the top of the walls meet the sky. The man throwing the bodies, and the body of the little boy that is in the air are in money spots.

Simplicity: The walls and the skay make the background clean and uncomplicated. The man throwing the bodies is the point of interest.

Actual and Implied Lines: The walls make acual horizotal and vertical lines.

6. Why did you choose this image?
I choose this image because when I saw it, my heart reached out to the people in Haiti, and I felt sympathy for them and the family members people lost.

7. Why is this an imprtant photo?
The bodies where from the earthquake in Port Au Prince in Haiti from January 15-26th. They were being piled up in a morgue.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Daily Image 3/2/11

1. What do you see? Describe what is happening.
I see a lady with a paintbrushin her hand, her shoes off and a bucket of blue paint next to her. She is sitting on a large wooden deck or floor of wood planks, and she is painting the wohle thing blue.

2. What Colors, Shapes, and Lines?
I see blue, white, black, and gray.
I see rectangles, circles, and triangles.
I see a horizontal line and many straight, diagonal lines.

3. Write down 5 expressive words that relate to the image.
Progressive, Sharp, Contrast, Crisp, Distinctive.

4. Interpret the photograph. What is the meaning if this image?
I think this photo represent the earth and how we should try to make it eco friendly. We must preserve nature and save the planet.

5. Explain how this photo uses the Rules of Composition.
The Rule of Thirds: The area in the image where the floor meets the sky makes a horizon line. The birds in the air are in a money spot, and the lady wouls also be in a money spot.

Simplicity: The shy makes the background clear and uncomplicated. The lafy is the point of interest.

Actual and Implied Lines: The wooden plankes make actual diagonal lines and the horizon line makes an implied horizontal line.