Monday, June 13, 2011

June 13, 2011

1. What did you like about this class?
I liked the fact that we were able to learn how to take pictures and how to deliver a message through photos.

2. What would tou change?
I would change the places where we took photos. I would have liked to have more options of where to take pictures.

3. How can I be a better teacher?
You can be a better teacher probably by not being so snappy sometimes.

4. Is there you wanted to do with photography that we didn't do?
No. I don't have anything that I wanted to do that we didn't do.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Favorite Photo

This picture of the baby owl is my favortie pictue from the website. It my favorite picture because the baby owl is so cute. It's looking at the camera with big eyes, and then it's so little and fluffy. This picture is definitely an "aww" moment.

Friday, May 27, 2011


1. What is texture?
Texture is the way a surface, surface, or piece of cloth feels when you touch it, for example how rouph, smoth, hard, or soft it is.

2. How does shooting texture take photography one step further?
Shooting texture takes photography a step further by conveying to the viewer not only how something looks, but also how it feels to the touch.

3. What is the bonus of photographing bricks?
The bonus of photographing bricks is that they create patterns and symmetrical shapes.

4. Name one plant texture you can photograph, explain why the texture is interesting.
A plant texture you can photograph is plants with large leaves because they tens to have coarse leaves which can catch the eye's attention more easily.

5. What is one touchable quality of paint?
A touchable quality of paint can be an old, peeling fence.

6. Why does stone lend itself to texture studies?
Stone lends itself ti texture studeies because it can be cold, hard, smooth, or chipped.

7. What are some aspects of wood that are inspiring?
Aspects of wood that are inspiring are its different settings: the twisted roots, roughly chopped fire piles, shavings and splinters in the carpenter’s yard, smoothly sanded new grain, visible gnarls and knots, or a slickly varnished chair leg.

8. List 3 fabrics you can photograph here at school.
Three fabrics that can be photographed al school can be the school uniforms, sports jerseys, and the carpets.

9. List 1 quality that rope has. Whare can rope be found in the school?
A quality the rope has is that it can be rough and fraying, or smooth and waxed. Rope can be found in the auditorium in the school that is used to opperate the stage curtains.

10. Why is metal a good material to photograph?
Metal is a good material to photograph beacuse it is cool, smooth and reflective, tarnished and dull, and easily gives its age.

The Color Purple, Color Symbolism #5

2. What are the meanings this color can convey?
This color can convey strugggle, hardship, and strength.

5. Quote one sentence from the passage that connects your photo to the story:
"I'm a good prisoner, she say. Best convict they ever see."

6. How does your photo give the same feeling as the passage?
This photo gives the same feeling as te passage because this shows the strength that Sopia had. There were many times that she could have given up, but she didn't, her hope was her children and her family. That is what kept her holding on.

The Color Purple, Color Symbolism #4

2. What are the meanings this color can convey?
This color can convey feeling such as sterile, cold, and boring.
5. Quote one sentence from the passage that connects your photo o the story:
"They put Sophia to work in the prison laundry. All day long from five to eight she washing clothes. Dirty convict uniforms, nasty sheets and blankets piled way over her head."

6. How does your photo give the same feeling as the passage?
This photo gives the same feeling as the assage because it shows the bars of the prison and the fact that Sophia was locked up in a terrible, sterile place.

The Color Purple, Color Symbolism #3

2. What are the meanings this color can convey?
This color can convey comfort and sympathy.

5. Quote one sentence from the passage that connects your photo to the story:
"I can't fix my mouth to say how I feel.....Maybe you git out on good behavior, say Harpo."

6. How does your photo give the same faaling as the passage?
This photo gives the same feeling as the passage because Celie felt Sophia's pain, was sad for her, wanted to confort her, and help her feel stable again.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Color Purple, Color Symbolism #2

1. What color did you choose to focus on in the photograph?
The color I decided to focus on in the photo is brown.

2. What are the meanings this color can convey?
The meanings this color can convey are home, stability, and reliability.

3. How does this color relate to the passage from the book?
This color relates to the passage from the book because it shoes the stability the Sophia had in her family and friends.

4. How does this photograph relate to the passage from the book?
This photo relates to the passage from the book because Sophia was only able to visit for a short time only twice a month but when she did come home she felt atable but yet still sad because she had to eventually leave, and Celie, Harpo, Mr__, and Shug felt sympathy for her.

5. Quote one sentence from the passage that connects your photo to the story:
"She look wild when she say that, and her bad eye wander round the room. Mr.__ suck his breath. Harpo groan. Miss Shug cuss."

6. How does your photo give the same feeling as the passage?
My photo gives the same feeling as the passage because it expresses the sympathy and love the Sophia's friends and family had for her.